I've read a few of your publications this morning, and I have to say, your writing prowess is nothing short of masterful. Your voice carries that thundering echo that Nietzsche exhibited, but with a citrusy millennial twist. I tip my hat madam.

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A lot of people should be mad at themselves for not countering Kendi and Di Angelo. Both have been selling their stuff since the 90s.

I think people are waking up now.

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Loury did not coin the term social capital. It has been in use for over a 100 years and I remember it being used in sociology way back in the 1980s.

Perhaps you were trying to be ironic in appearing to misunderstand what the term means? Having visited the USA 5x I noticed the tertiary education system is seriously lacking so perhaps you really think it has something to do with capitalism and money.

Heres an easily understood definition of the term


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