Woking free leeping Gliant pastledge Bass
rums dubzoomed kreed nectards hair ponus shoal
Laming feetnix peatricks purrgracious sole
Fans see Anna Olivia’s pal lace
Fer pittle fright of limes reface Soranges
sunder the learning lush rough candy hoes
beer blind B. Yawn Cud krays Soap fur fellows
Oh sire us eye sis four whore usses
Harlots smith ze son innit flu the spark
Frow fray wif ford froyds crown nigh fillerin
lass leeches lulk stiff zyde zuplittering
Bkrown Chree pearled swift zainty preys ana Harp
tat fails two Cs unseen a sin knew farts
love’s lovely loving loathing load see parts.
This is an experiment as a sonnet done in the Wakeian pun language of James Joyce. The idea is to bridge the words “Woke” and “Based” with some kind of aesthetic beauty. This is a line by line analysis.
1. This is established by juxtaposing the words at the beginning and end of the first line. A sleeping giant is corresponded with leaping lion. This leap of faith goes past the ledges base, while also working from a knowledge base of history as in the past, while also pulsing to the rhythms of a bass as opposed to melody.
2. The following line establishes these ideologies as creeds while trying to sample and dub the work as songs like Bassnectar, could translate as, “runs subhumed creed nectars her bonus hole.”
3. “Blazing phoenix Patrick purrs gracious soul,” this connotates the feet of this sleeping giant in Phoenix Park, Dublin, also St. Patrick in the purgatory cave.
4. “Fancy ALP’s palace,” Finnegans Wake with the camaraderie of a comic con, fans see, pal lace.
5. “This little light of mine replace Oranges.” The gospel song this little light of mine, but related to the history of Ireland and the Orangemen.
6. “Under the burning bush of Sandyho.” Playing with the song and Joyce.
7. “Where blind Bianca cries hope for Othello.” Bianca is my cat, happens to be blind.
8. “Osiris Isis for Horusses.” Egyptian myth
9. “Charlotte smithed the sonnet Plutarch.” Charlotte Smith’s sonnets are an influence.
10. “Now play with your toys be nice children.” Explore the split ends and double meaning of Freudian dream logic.
11. “Mass the beaches, walk with side splittering,” The sideways thought of Stephen Dedalus walking the beach on Bloomsday.
12. “Drowned me curls with saintly prays on the harp,” me being a Queen.
13. “that sails to seas unseen ascend new stars,” heh farts.
Last line is how we know it’s a sonnet, it’s about love.
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